Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Case of the Month

October, 1998


The patient was referred to our office for surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion for correction of transverse maxillary constriction with bilateral posterior crossbite.


Medical history revealed a 20 y.o. married white female with no known drug allergies or serious illnesses. Family history, social history, and review of systems were noncontributory. Medications included birth control pills. Oral examination revealed tooth # 1 to be a soft tissue impaction. Teeth #'s 17 and 32 were in infraocclusion. Tooth # 11 was in buccal version being blocked out by #'s 10 and 12. A bilateral posterior crossbite was present.



  1. Orthodontic Treatment
  2. Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (distraction osteogenesis)


osteotomy cut.
Note pedicle flaps
to anterior teeth.

Right Le Fort I
osteotomy cut.

Left Le Fort I
osteotomy cut.

Expansion at time
of surgery 1.5 mm

Post operative radiographs 8/21/98.

Completed expansion
with 7 mm diastema.

Patient treated by: