The patient is a 22 y.o. male who presented to our office with a chief complaint of odontalgia in the left mandibular molar region.
The patient has no allergies. There are no serious illnesses. Incidental panoramic radiographic findings revealed a left mandibular radiolucent lesion with associated impacted tooth # 21 and an over retained left mandibular first primary molar. The radiolucent lesion was well-delineated with calcific flecks. Roots of teeth #'s 20 and 22 were divergent. Tooth # 21 was at the inferior border of the mandible. Teeth #'s 1, 16, 17, and 32 were noted to be impacted. Carious lesions were noted in teeth #'s 2, 14, 15, 19, and 31. Tooth # 30 was missing and was extracted by his general dentist in 1997. Oral examination revealed a Class II malocclusion with anterior-posterior incisor discrepancy and anterior open-bite. Gingival erythema was diffuse. Expansion of the buccal cortical plate was noted, however no bruit or thrill was present. There was no paresthesia of the mental nerve.
- Dental Caries
- Class II Malocclusion with Apertognathia
- Impacted Teeth #'s 1, 16, 17, 21, and 32
- Over-retained Tooth # L
- Gingivitis
- Mandibular Odontogenic Cyst or Tumor
- Out-patient General Anesthesia
- Aspiration of Lesion
- Extraction of Teeth #'s 1, 16, 17, 19, 21, 32, and L.
- Enucleation of Mandibular Lesion.
- Odontogenic Adenomatoid Tumor
 Radiolucent defect. |  Expansion of buccal cortical plate. |
 Exposed cortical plate expansion. |  Enucleating lesion. |
 Tumor with material from lumen. |  Osseous defect with intact mental nerve. |
 Odontogenic Adenomatoid Tumor |
Patient treated by:
- Dr. Steven R. Tucker Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Steven R. Tucker DMD, PSC
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
909 Scherm Road
Owensboro, KY 42301
phone: 1-270-926-4107
fax: 1-270-926-4166
Last Modified: September 1, 1999