Radiographic Examination
Discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen November 8, 1895 in Wurzburg, radiographic examinations are traditionally used to appraise the underlying skeletal and dental structures of the body. Initially the images were developed on to glass plates. Today's high resolution films are beginning to be replaced by CCD (digital) images. Charge Coupled Devices are detectors originally developed for Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. The following diagnostic radiographics are commonly obtained for patients in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery:
Single tooth periapical
Maxillary occlusal view
Mandibular occlusal view
TMJ transcranial
Waters view
R and L lateral oblique of mandible
Caldwell view
Posterior-anterior (PA) of mandible
Submental vertex (SMV)
TMJ tomograms (linear, eliptical, hypocycloidial)
TMJ Arthrogram (video) and Arthrotomography
Sialogram (video)
Fluroscopy (video)
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